#3 Listen to the talk:《AI時代的英語學習力》

        The main takeaway from the speech is that we shouldn't be terrified of AI. We can make effective use of artificial intelligence and make it useful in our lives. The advancement of technology is intended to make human existence faster and more convenient. It wasn't until the emergence of artificial intelligence that humans realized that many professions would be replaced. So, why don't we change our minds and let artificial intelligence become our work assistant to make work more efficient? However, this does not mean that humans can relax, and they must continue to work hard.

        The impact of artificial intelligence on English learning: Despite advancements in translation technology, it is still necessary for humans to learn English well. Additionally, English will be used in programming languages. Even in the future, good English will be required, but maintaining the quality of English is a major challenge. English remains a crucial part of basic competencies.

        Surprisingly, artificial intelligence will not inevitably replace jobs. We can do the reverse, allowing artificial intelligence to help us with our tasks. Assume I am a financial professional; I can hand over the information I have to ChatGPT and ask it to run. Give me the chart. If you're not pleased, you can request that it generate a couple more. Finally, show the chart to the customer, and I will explain it to them. This reduces my workload and eliminates the need to manually enter values. Charts are a very efficient way.

        To prepare for the impact of AI on learning, it's crucial to constantly improve and develop our own skills. Even if our employment are replaced by artificial intelligence, we will only be able to control it if we change with the times. In terms of capacities, this will harm humans who are no longer able to rely on a single professional skill; otherwise, they will be supplanted by artificial intelligence.






  1. Good points, Angela. I like your example about a financial professional using ChatGPT to generate charts. So true, it shows how AI can save our time, reduce our effort.

